Past Life Regression

  • Past Life Regression Therapy is a form of hypnotherapy that explores past lives, inter-lives, or other spiritual realms to address present life issues, gain insights, and facilitate healing.

  • The therapy involves inducing a relaxed state through a guided deep meditation, allowing individuals to access memories and experiences from past lives or spiritual dimensions.

  • Generally, yes. Most individuals can undergo Past Life Regression Therapy, but it may not be suitable for those with certain mental health conditions or those who are not comfortable with the process.

  • Past Life Regression Therapy can be used to explore and address various issues, including unresolved patterns, early childhood traumas, relationship challenges, fears, and spiritual growth.

  • The duration varies, but a typical session can last around 1 to 2 hours, allowing enough time for induction, exploration, and post-session discussion.

  • The number of sessions varies. Some individuals find resolution after one session, while others may choose additional sessions for deeper exploration or ongoing support. The practitioner will suggest that the client focus on a specific issue or trauma in each session. Depending on the severity, it could take an estimated 3-6 sessions to reprogram or resolve.

  • Hypnosis induces a deeply relaxed state similar to daydreaming or meditation. Clients remain aware and in control, able to recall the experience after the session.

  • In some cases, individuals may have a specific intention or request, but the experience that emerges is often guided by the subconscious mind and higher self.

  • Some individuals report improvement in physical conditions after Past Life Regression Therapy, as it is believed that unresolved issues from past lives may contribute to present-life challenges.

  • No, Past Life Regression Therapy is not tied to a specific religion. It is a spiritual exploration that respects individual beliefs and can be practiced by individuals of any faith or spiritual orientation.

  • It's possible, but therapists aim to guide clients through experiences with care and support, focusing on healing rather than retraumatization.

  • While some details may be recalled, it's common for certain aspects to fade. The practitioner may provide tools to enhance post-session recall and integration.


  • Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice that involves the channeling of universal life energy to promote balance and well-being in the body, mind, and spirit.

  • Reiki is believed to work by transferring healing energy through the hands of the practitioner to the recipient, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and supporting the body's natural healing abilities.

  • During a session, you will lie down fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or near your body. People often experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation.

  • No, Reiki is not a religion. It is a spiritual practice that can complement various belief systems, and individuals of any religious background can benefit from Reiki.

  • Yes, Reiki is generally considered safe and non-invasive. It is a gentle practice that can be used alongside conventional medical treatments.

  • Reiki is a complementary therapy and should not replace medical treatments. It can work in conjunction with conventional medicine to support the healing process.

  • The number of sessions can vary based on individual needs. Some people experience benefits after just one session, while others may choose to have a series of sessions for ongoing support.

  • Yes, distant or remote Reiki sessions are just as effective as in-person. Energy transcends time and space, allowing practitioners to send healing energy to individuals who are not physically present.

  • Belief is not a prerequisite for Reiki to be effective. The energy will flow regardless of the recipient's belief, but an open mind and receptivity can enhance the experience.

  • Reiki generally has no harmful side effects. Some people may experience temporary emotional releases or sensations as the energy works to balance and cleanse.

  • Yes, Reiki can be beneficial for emotional well-being. It is known to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and provide a supportive space for emotional healing.

  • Yes, Reiki can be learned by anyone. Training involves attunements from a Reiki master, and there are different levels of certification, allowing individuals to progress in their practice.

  • The duration of a session can vary, but a typical Reiki session lasts about 60 minutes, allowing time for relaxation, energy transfer, and post-session discussion.

  • Yes, Reiki can complement other therapies, both alternative and conventional. It is often used alongside other healing modalities for a holistic approach to well-being.

Yoga Nidra

  • Yoga Nidra, often called "yogic sleep," is a guided meditation and relaxation practice that induces a state of conscious relaxation between wakefulness and sleep.

  • In Yoga Nidra, the goal is to remain consciously aware while in a deeply relaxed state, as opposed to regular sleep where consciousness is suspended.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • No prior yoga experience is required. Yoga Nidra is accessible to people of all fitness levels and backgrounds.

  • A typical Yoga Nidra session lasts about 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific practice or instructor.

  • Yes, there are guided recordings available for self-practice. However, some people prefer being guided by an instructor, especially initially. If you’re in the Denver, CO area, I teach a 60 minute class or you can check out my YouTube channel for a shorter pre-recorded Yoga Nidra practice and other meditations.

  • Yes, Yoga Nidra is generally suitable for everyone, including those with physical limitations or health conditions. It can be adapted to accommodate various needs.

  • Benefits include stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced relaxation, emotional balance, and increased mindfulness.

  • Yes, many people find that regular practice of Yoga Nidra can contribute to better sleep quality and help alleviate insomnia.

  • The frequency can vary, but practicing a few times per week can yield noticeable benefits. Consistency is key.

  • While it is traditionally done lying down, some variations allow for a seated position if lying down is uncomfortable or impractical.

  • Yes, Yoga Nidra is often considered a form of guided meditation that promotes deep relaxation and inner awareness.

  • Yes, Yoga Nidra is generally safe for pregnant women. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider, especially in high-risk pregnancies.

  • Yes, children can benefit from simplified versions of Yoga Nidra. It can help promote relaxation and improve focus.


    • Clients may cancel the service by providing notice at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment or start date.

    • Cancellations made less than 24 hours of the scheduled service may be subject to a cancellation fee or forfeiture of the full payment.

    • Failure to attend a scheduled service without prior notice will be considered a "no-show."

    • No-shows may result in a full charge for the scheduled service.

    • Clients arriving late to a scheduled service may receive a shortened session, and the full fee may still apply.

    • Please email contact@vanessapicone.com to cancel an appointment.

    • Refunds will be considered under the following circumstances:

      • The service provider cancels or reschedules the service.

      • A client cancels within the specified cancellation period, and no cancellation fee applies.

    • Certain services may be designated as non-refundable, and this will be clearly communicated to clients before booking.

    • Refund requests must be submitted in writing or through the designated communication channel.

    • Refunds, when applicable, will be processed within 5-8 business days after approval.

    • In cases where only a portion of the service has been completed, a partial refund may be considered based on the service provider's discretion.

    • Clients may request to reschedule a service within the specified rescheduling period, subject to availability.

    • Rescheduling requests made less than 24 hours before the original appointment may be subject to a rescheduling fee.

    • Please email contact@vanessapicone.com to reschedule an appointment.

    • The service provider reserves the right to modify the service, including the schedule, location, or other relevant details. Clients will be informed of any such modifications in a timely manner.

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